Sunday, June 16, 2013


No one cares. Why doesn't that surprise me, everyone is too absorbed in their problems and that is definitely understandable but when they make no effort to even call you or send a quick little message to see how you are doing, or they judge you based on the things you can't help really hurts because I thought we were good friends but I guess in your eyes we're not. I wish things could be different.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


If you're putting on a mask everyday is it to convince the people around you or yourself that you are different or just like everyone else? If you are doing it to fit in than you are not one of a kind or unique, you are just joining the masses of people who are all the same. Be yourself take off the mask, because you are you, and no one else is like that. Embrace yourself.

Time For A Run

“The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.” -F.Scott Fitzgerald
How are you supposed to stop something when it has already made its way towards its destination. I guess nothing. You will just have to start running to catch the pieces that start to fall apart around you.  But you have to come to the realization that you cannot stop it, you can only accept it.

Get Out!

It's just another day of summer, and I just got hurt. Not physically though. Some retard thought it would be fun to flirt with me and practically ask me out and change his mind. What. The. Hell. Make up your mind, because I don't want you on my mind anymore. The truth is that I want him to like me,  but the truth hurts because not everything goes the way you are expecting it to.